Sunday, June 19, 2011

Backstabberz?? xoxo ^^

HaHaHa... lepak same2, gurau same2, susah sng ak turun n sampai 1 tahap korg asyik perli suruh & nk kena tarik masuk kelab korg...(x tau la korg ade niat ke, x la kn sampai ak suruh stop bru korg stop ckp psl bnd tu) Tp skunk ni ak plak yg kena?? ak nk tarik budak2 korg masuk kelab ak?? EXECUSE ME... ak bukan jenis yg mcm tu bro... gua x makan kawan bro... tp fine... gua budak.. lu ade pengaruh... lu mmg pandai ckp... so, up to u guyz... bt jst 1 thing that i want to mention here, sumpah sedih biler member tikam member dari blakang untuk kepentingan sendiri... Thanx alot.. ^^

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Working :)

I hope everything will going smoothly and those things will not happened again. Amin :)

Saturday, June 4, 2011


this year again.. :)

Thursday, June 2, 2011

so long :D

after so long i didn't update my blog it seems like dead blog already.. haha.. i just feel so lazy to update actually.. but nvm la, once in a while maybe i should write something.. hehe.. and maybe there will be another update later.. bye ^^